
I´m sorry about the delay.  Here are some comments:

1- Make a point of shaking hands with a person in a
business situation.  It is usually expected, much like
the exchanging of business cards.

2- Be prepared to repeat your name without being
insulted.  Just as you can´t pronounce many foreign
names, others may have difficulty pronouncing your

3- When introducing yourself, DO NOT talk about your
hometown.  You can say where you are FROM, but
concentrate the details on information about your
likes, dislikes, habits--not the city!

4- Make eye contact often.  It will relax you, and
make the person you are speaking to more involved in
the conversation.

5- Try to minimize the ´ummm,´ and ´nei ge,´ if you
need to think, do it silently, or say "I´m not sure
how to say..."

6- In a conversation, you must listen to what the
other person is saying.  Check that you answer the
question that the person asks you! Also, give the
other person a chance to speak, you can say "Don´t you
agree? What do you think? Isn´t that so?"  

7- It is important to focus on correct pronounciation,
especially of the sounds in the words "the," "think,"
and the sounds "l," "r." --as well as some vowels.
The best way to practice these is with a partner, who
can tell you what they hear.

8- Remember, the goal is communication, not
perfection!  It´s ok to make mistakes, as long as you
can communicate your message.
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